Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Donald Sutherland with a Beard

This is for all of you Donald Sutherland lovers, I guess. I was drawing him from an advertisement for some dumb-looking teevee movie or mini-series, and I only realized it was him after I'd been working on this for about 15 minutes. I've been trying to work on improving my ability to draw eyes, which is why I chose to work off of this photo. I'm giving myself a C+ on this one.


burntselena said...

Give him a pipe and a fishing hat, he could be a Hemmingway, Curtis Hemmingway.

John said...

I love Donald Sutherland! Sell that to me.

Unknown said...

Wow, I didn't realize until today that I was getting comments on this blog! Guess I should turn email notification on...

So John, do you want to buy that before or after I put the pipe and fishing hat on him?